Week 27

Week 27

Week 27. The big daddy, the horror week. The week that I looked ahead to in my plan and thought ‘Uh oh’. Week 27 was the biggest week of my training plan with around 17+ hours of training involved. How was it? Well, it was ok. And ok is exactly what I...
Week 26

Week 26

In my head I had built this week up to be huge. When I looked ahead at the plan this week and its sister in crime, week 27, looked bad. Right off the back of a half Ironman the two biggest weeks of training. The weekends in particular looked brutal, 6 hours or so on...
Week 25 – The Half Ironman

Week 25 – The Half Ironman

Yesterday feels like a dream. A weird, amazing dream where I completed a half ironman, 70.3 miles of swimming, cycling and running. And loved every second of it. The last time I did a triathlon was 4 years ago. I couldn’t swim well, I started in way too fast a...
The Ironman-Trainee Partner

The Ironman-Trainee Partner

I’ve mentioned Pilla a couple of times during the the blog. Normally it’s along the lines of things I made her miss out on (valentines day/anniversary/7 months of holidays) because of my training and the guilt I often feel because of the selfishness of...
Week 24

Week 24

Another week down, another week closer. This week I was able to start my proper open water swimming for the year as I managed to get to Salford Quays on both Tuesday and Wednesday (if you’re interested, Wednesday with the Uswim folks is way more fun!). The water...


Rambling and weird blog this morning. Welcome back to the strange world of my turbo thoughts. 5:23 I’m on the turbo, today’s session is a one hour ride followed immediately by a 30 minute run. If all goes to plan I’ll jump in the quays tonight for a...