And so, the plan for this next year is….

… the London Marathon! Next April I’ll be lining up for my second crack at the London Marathon. I’m going to write some more in another post about this particular race but for now I’ll just say that when I ran it in 2012 it was simultaneously...

#ProjectPilla – The results are in!

12 weeks ago we started a project to get Pilla fit. She had pretty much stopped doing any exercise whilst I was training and so I made a promise to try and help her. Well, 12 weeks of yoga, running, circuits, boxercise, aerobics and all manner of activities and the...


A few weeks ago, before the ironman blues hit, I mentioned starting #ProjectPilla. In the extraordinarily selfish days of my training I promised Pilla when I was done I’d help her get fit. To be really honest, I probably wasn’t convinced how seriously she...

The thing about goals…

The thing about goals is they have to be far enough out that you might actually not get to them. They have to challenge you and push you and you have to think deep down unless you throw yourself into it you might not get them. What is the point of setting something...

And so it begins (again)

For the past few weeks I’ve been going through some pretty big post ironman blues. I couldn’t be arsed training but at the same time I’ve been beating myself up for not training. Not enough beating up to actually get me doing anything, which just...
Things I Learnt

Things I Learnt

Over the last 8 months I like to think I learnt a little bit about how to train for an Ironman. I’m writing this down for my benefit because very soon I’m going to stop believing I actually did this. A lot probably works for non-Ironman stuff too, so...